Vellore Jaishankar (Jay) No Comments

Student Health Advantage and Patriot Exchange Program student insurance products benefits were updated by the the plan administrator – International Medical Group (IMG) – with wording changes as detailed below. These changes are effective July 1st, 2020 and impact the below plans:

The respective plan Brochures, and policy Certificate of Insurance sample documents have also been updated to reflect the below detailed changes. You can view and download the same on the respective plan pages.

What has changed in this update?

Student Health Advantage (standard, platinum, individual, group plan options) and  Patriot Exchange Program, Patriot Group Exchange Program to include coverage for COVID-19 / Coronavirus global pandemic.

Below are the updates/changes made to the IMG Student Series plans as listed below with effective on and after July 1st, 2020. The changes are outlined below.

Updated Benefits as detailed below:

Below is the excerpt of the communication from IMG to that effect:

Effective July 1, 2020, International Medical Group (IMG) has amended the current Public Health Emergency exclusion in their international student insurance policy wordings by issuing an endorsement that provides coverage for COVID-19 medical expenses. This endorsement will be added to the following plans:

  • Patriot Exchange Program
  • Student Health Advantage
  • Student Health Advantage Platinum
  • All customized student and exchange plans

This update is applicable to the above-mentioned plans for all new and existing insureds.

Questions or Concerns, Contact Us Today!

We appreciate your interest in these international student health insurance, international student medical insurance, and international student insurance plans for student travel coverage outside home country. We look forward to addressing all your queries and address concerns, if any. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this information, please contact us.